Saving for Higher Education is Better than Borrowing

There is no magic, one-size fits all way to pay for college. The trick is finding what works best for your family. Most families use a combination of savings, financial aid, and current income to pay the college bill. Current income is helpful to reduce total college borrowing but is often limited because there are so many other needs for …

What to Expect as an Incoming College Freshman

The world of higher education is full of new and exciting experiences. As high school seniors transition to college freshmen, they are faced with academic, lifestyle, and social changes. It’s important to be informed and prepared so you can set your entire college career up for success. Let’s look at what to expect during your freshman year at college. Academic …

How to Fill a Larger College Tuition Gap: Clarify Your Options

Student loans can make your academic dreams attainable. Unfortunately, the financial aid letter can come short of affording your top-choice school. Know the details regarding all of your financial options to avoid borrowing heavily. Having a secure cosigner is a great way to potentially lower your loan interest rate and therefore your overall loan payments. Before we dive into the …

Summer Plans for Undergrads

Summer School

Summer break can offer college students a unique opportunity to work, travel, and explore different career paths before having to make any formal career decisions. Students should take advantage of full summer vacations now because after graduation they become a thing of the past!  Here’s how to use this summer wisely: Internship Summer internships are a great way to try …

Introduction to Scholarships

They say that nothing is ever truly free, but with a little bit of work, you might be able to get yourself some free money for college. College scholarships are an underrated source of paying for college that many people forget about when it comes time to pay the bill. Independent college scholarships can be used to fill the gap …

Student Loan Basics: Choosing between Undergraduate Federal and Private Student Loan Programs

Picking a student loan that meets your needs requires an understanding of some basic concepts. Student Loan Basics empowers you with information to make informed choices to borrow for college. This article explains the difference between undergraduate federal and private loans. Federal vs private student loans The fundamental difference is the lender. The federal government, specifically, the U. S. Department …

Tips for High School Juniors and Seniors Navigating COVID-19

Father and Son FAFSA Image

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted our lives on many levels including funding higher education. Let’s look at current and potential changes that may impact the way students navigate applying, entering and paying for college. High School Juniors In the old pre-Coronavirus world, high school juniors would be entering a period of increasing anxiety and anticipation as they sit for exams, …

Is the Gap Year a Good Idea?

Gapy Year

For parents and students alike, a gap year before starting college can elicit many different responses. Is it the right thing for my child?  Will I be able to get admitted later?  Will they lose track and end up not attending/graduating?  These are the types of questions that leave parents worried, while children wonder how best to shape their own …

Career Prep: Internships


Internships are essential for college students and recent grads joining a competitive job market. They offer training, professional development, and valuable networking to expand career opportunities. Students are highly encouraged to do at least one internship before they graduate to strengthen their resumes and set themselves apart from their peers. An internship provides you with a structured learning experience in …