Managing the Demands of College



Balancing your studies, social life, job, and health while in college can be difficult. Take control of your time and achieve your goals more effectively with these time management tips! The most important thing to realize is that you have the power to decide what you want to accomplish with your time every day. School work should be your primary focus in college, but it shouldn’t be your only focus. Learning to practice good time management will give you the opportunity to have free time and do what you want, when you want.

Managing your school work: Balancing your class schedule can be tricky. Students who don’t properly manage time will find that due dates and tests will unexpectedly pop up, leaving them unprepared. One way to eliminate this problem is to outline due dates in a daily planner. Professors will often give you a syllabus on the first day of class, breaking down how the remainder of the semester will look. It will show when exams will be given, along with when readings and papers will be due. Recording these important dates in your planner will allow you to plan and prioritize your assignments and study time.  Just because something is due on Tuesday doesn’t mean you should do it on Tuesday. Cramming and procrastination leads to poor and sloppy work. If you stay organized and don’t wait until the last minute you will give yourself ample time to complete your work to the best of your ability. Limiting distractions while you study will also allow you to finish your work morequickly.

Social life

Maintaining a social life in college not only helps you meet new people and experience new things, but it’s also great for your mental health. Prioritizing your course work like mentioned above helps free up time for friends, campus events, and other extracurricular activities. When planning your time, make sure to leave room for friends and experiences.

Healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult while juggling the different responsibilities of college, but making it a priority can also improve your time management. Proper sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise all contribute in giving you the proper energy to get through the day. Sleep is critical, so make sure you get the proper amount of sleep every night.   If you are tired it also may be hard to focus in class and on your work. Having a healthy and balanced diet can help keep you alert and energized throughout the day.  Prioritizing exercise a few times a week is a great way to keep your energy levels up, and it can even be a way to socialize since many colleges offer on-campus fitness classes and intramural sports.

Working while in school

Many students work either on campus through work-study or off campus to help support themselves while in school. This additional responsibility makes managing your time that much more important. Be upfront with your employer on the hours you are available to work to ensure it doesn’t conflict with your class and exam schedule, and then work those hours into your planner to set your priorities.

Time management is easier said than done, but if you practice, it will soon become habitual. After college you will have to learn to balance just as much, if not more, so it is important to learn how to manage your time now. Ask for help along the way. There are many resources on campus that are meant to help you excel. Always remember to prioritize your needs. Each person has different needs, but once you identify your needs you can plan and organize to be successful.